
Lessons from life of bees

Oxford University Press published the first volume of The Economic Journal on behalf of Royal Economic Society (British Economic Association) in March, 1891. The society was founded in 1890 ‘to promote the study of economic science.’ In the beginning, the British Economic Association, it became the Royal Economic Society after receiving its Royal Charter in 1902. Economic History journal launched in 1926 but was published as a supplement of The Economic Journal . Economic History was established by J.M. Keynes in reaction to the formation of the Economic History Society in 1926 and the launch of the Economic History Review . The rivalry between Economic History and Economic History Review continued till 1940. Economic History was discontinued due to paper shortages during the World War II. In a poem titled Georgics , Book IV on the subject of agriculture, Latin poet Virgil says, amor urget habendi " which is translated as "An inborn love of possession impels the bees...